The Biology of Belief: A Different Perspective on Fate and Genes (You Are Not Your DNA) Biology remains one of the scientific fields predominantly governed by materialistic interpretations, even though the trend of interpreting everything through material components has lessened since the advent of modern physics. Researchers in the field can attest that single-component […]
Secrets to Longevity: The Positive Impact of Labor and 8 Lifestyle Choices
Labor: The secrets to living a long, healthy life, as discovered through various studies and interviews with centenarians, emphasize the importance of lifestyle choices over genetics. Here are the key findings: Healthy Diet: Centenarians often follow diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while avoiding processed foods and sugars. The Mediterranean diet, […]
Understanding the Yin and Yang in Traditional Korean Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Balance
Understanding the Yin and Yang in Traditional Korean Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Balance In the realm of traditional Korean medicine, the terms “Yin” (陰人) and “Yang” (陽人) are often used, though they may not have strictly defined meanings. Typically, these terms are used to describe certain body states: – **Yang (陽人)**: Often characterized […]
Can Nutritional Supplements Completely Replace Meals?
Can Nutritional Supplements Completely Replace Meals? As a child, I often wondered if it would be possible to replace meals entirely with nutritional supplements. While it seemed feasible at the time, my current perspective suggests that it might not be achievable. The process of obtaining food and chewing it not only awakens the body’s […]
2 Secrets to Happiness According to Charlie Munger
### The Secrets to Happiness According to Charlie Munger When studying investing, it’s almost inevitable to come across books by Charlie Munger. While his advice is often spot on, it can be challenging for the average person to apply, and frankly, I found the books a bit dull. Like many others, I am more […]
The Secret to Longevity: Intellectual Curiosity and Social Connections (feat. Henry Kissinger)
### The Secret to Longevity: Intellectual Curiosity and Social Connections (feat. Henry Kissinger) It’s good news on a hot weekend that you don’t have to exercise. If you dislike exercise, you can still stay healthy by keeping your mind active and being helpful to others. Intellectual curiosity is key to health and long life. For […]
The Correlation Between Income Level and Life Expectancy (Focusing on Cancer and Metabolic Diseases)
The Correlation Between Income Level and Life Expectancy (Focusing on Cancer and Metabolic Diseases) Although I do not practice medicine nor lecture on clinical subjects, I teach theoretical pathology, and thus I consistently research the causes and prevalence of diseases. In South Korea, the top two causes of death are cancer and cardiovascular diseases, whereas […]
Frequently Asked but Silly 2 Questions (Foods Good for the Liver??)
Frequently Asked but Silly Questions (Foods Good for the Liver??) The following questions are ones I’ve frequently encountered. Although they are common enough to have books written about them, the answers are usually quite simple. Here are my thoughts: Question 1: What should I eat to lose weight? Answer: Eating anything will make you gain […]
황기(성미, 귀경, 삼계탕 재료2)
본초 게시글 읽기 전에 본초를 이해하며 공부해 봅시다 글을 읽어주세요 황기(성미, 귀경, 삼계탕 재료) 기원 황기 Astragalus membranaceus Bunge 또는 몽골황기 (蒙古黃耆) Astragalus membranaceus Bunge var. mongholicus Hsiao (콩과 Leguminosae)의 뿌리 성미와 귀경 달고(甘) 따뜻하다(溫). 폐(肺)와 비경(脾經)에 작용한다. 효능 보비승양(補脾昇陽), 익위고표(益衛固表), 탁창생기(托瘡生肌), 이수퇴종(利水退腫) 보비(補脾): a therapeutic method to treat diminished functional activities of the […]
갈근 (칡뿌리,성미,귀경, 2가지 중요 효능 해설)
본초 게시글 읽기 전에 본초를 이해하며 공부해 봅시다 글을 읽어주세요 갈근 (칡뿌리,성미,귀경, 효능 해설) 기원 칡 Pueraria lobata Ohwi (콩과 Leguminosae)의 뿌리 성미와 귀경 달고 맵고(甘辛) 서늘하다(凉). 비(脾)와 위경(胃經)에 작용한다. 효능 발표해기(發表解肌), 투발마진(透發痲疹), 해열생진(解熱生津), 승양지사(升陽止瀉) 해기(解肌): a general term for dispelling pathogens from the superficial flesh 청열생진(淸熱生津): a therapeutic method of using heat-clearing medicinals together […]