Why Hair-Loss Happens: The Causes of Blood Deficiency (Hair Loss Story #3)

Why Hair-Loss Happens: The Causes of Blood Deficiency (Hair Loss Story #3)

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🧩 Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: The Role of Blood in Hair Health
  2. Understanding Blood (혈) in Traditional Medicine
  3. What Causes Blood Deficiency?
  4. Reason 1: Failure to Convert Food into Blood
  5. The Impact of Overeating and Modern Diets
  6. The Role of Inflammation and Chronic Illness
  7. Reason 2: Increased Consumption of Blood Due to Lifestyle Changes
  8. Physical vs. Mental Activity: How They Affect Blood
  9. Stress, Anxiety, and Hair Loss: The Mental Connection
  10. The Impact of Sedentary Lifestyles on Hair Health
  11. Modern Work Environments and Hair Loss Trends
  12. How Physical Activity Can Prevent Hair Loss
  13. Tips to Balance Blood Consumption and Production
  14. Foods That Promote Blood Production
  15. Conclusion: Adopting a Balanced Lifestyle for Healthy Hair

📝 1. Introduction: The Role of Blood in Hair Health

In traditional medicine, hair is considered a direct reflection of the blood (혈) in the body. The healthier and more abundant your blood, the thicker and shinier your hair will be. But if blood is deficient or consumed too quickly, hair loss becomes inevitable. While many people think hair loss is purely genetic, blood deficiency plays a significant role. This article explores why blood becomes deficient and how modern lifestyle changes contribute to hair thinning and baldness.

📜 2. Understanding Blood (혈) in Traditional Medicine

In traditional Eastern medicine, 혈 (blood) is more than just the liquid that flows through veins. It refers to:
  • The nutrients that circulate throughout the body
  • The energy reserve that supports physical and mental functions
  • The substance that nourishes organs, skin, and hair
The phrase “발자혈지여 (髮者血之餘)” means “Hair is the surplus of blood.” This highlights that hair growth only happens when the body has an excess of blood after meeting essential needs. If the body is stressed or struggling to maintain vital functions, hair growth will slow, and hair will become thin or fall out.

🧪 3. What Causes Blood Deficiency?

There are two primary reasons why blood becomes deficient, even when someone has a good diet:
  1. Failure to convert food into blood
  2. Increased blood consumption due to lifestyle changes
Let’s explore these causes in detail.

🍽 4. Reason 1: Failure to Convert Food into Blood

Many people assume that eating more food will result in better hair growth, but this is not always the case. Not all food is effectively converted into blood.

🔴 Why Doesn’t All Food Turn Into Blood?

  • Overeating can overwhelm the digestive system.
  • The body must use a lot of energy and blood to process excessive food.
  • This can cause inflammation, which depletes blood supplies.

⚠️ 5. The Impact of Overeating and Modern Diets

In traditional medicine, “고량후미 (high-calorie, rich foods)” are considered a cause of hair loss. Modern diets that are high in:
  • Sugar
  • Refined carbs
  • Processed foods
…can cause chronic inflammation and increase blood consumption for managing immune responses.

💡 Example: Diabetes and Hair Loss

Conditions like diabetes cause inflammation and blood thickening, reducing the body’s ability to nourish hair follicles. As a result, hair becomes thin and brittle. To avoid this, it’s essential to eat balanced, nutrient-dense meals in moderate quantities.

🌡 6. The Role of Inflammation and Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses such as:
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Cardiovascular diseases
…all cause blood depletion due to the body’s constant need to fight inflammation. This leaves little blood available for non-essential functions like hair growth. In traditional medicine, this process is described as “blood being dried up by heat.”

🏋️ 7. Reason 2: Increased Consumption of Blood Due to Lifestyle Changes

Modern lifestyle changes have also increased blood consumption. In traditional medicine, the body requires two primary resources:
  • 기 (Qi/energy) for physical activity
  • 혈 (Blood) for mental activity
Over time, people have shifted from physical labor to mental work, leading to increased blood consumption.

🔄 8. Physical vs. Mental Activity: How They Affect Blood

Activity Type Primary Resource Consumed
Physical Activity Qi (Energy)
Mental Activity Blood (혈)
This explains why people who do intensive mental work often feel drained and experience hair loss, even if they eat well and get enough rest.

🤯 9. Stress, Anxiety, and Hair Loss: The Mental Connection

Mental activities, such as:
  • Problem-solving
  • Overthinking
  • Stress and anxiety
…consume more blood than physical activity. That’s why people with high-stress jobs (like office workers) often experience sudden hair loss.

🛋️ 10. The Impact of Sedentary Lifestyles on Hair Health

As modern life has become more sedentary, people spend less time moving and more time thinking. While this shift has improved productivity, it has also:
  • Increased blood consumption
  • Decreased blood production through physical activity
This imbalance leads to hair thinning and premature baldness.

💻 11. Modern Work Environments and Hair Loss Trends

Unlike physical labor jobs, modern office jobs are mentally exhausting. People spend hours:
  • Sitting at desks
  • Using screens
  • Managing deadlines and stress
These factors cause mental fatigue, leading to blood depletion and hair loss.

🏃 12. How Physical Activity Can Prevent Hair Loss

To balance blood consumption and production, it’s essential to engage in regular physical activity. Exercise improves:
  • Blood circulation
  • Nutrient absorption
  • Stress management
This helps the body produce more blood, which can support healthy hair growth.

💡 13. Tips to Balance Blood Consumption and Production

Here are some practical tips to maintain a healthy balance of blood:
Tip Benefit
Eat balanced meals Supports blood production
Exercise regularly Improves blood circulation
Manage stress effectively Reduces blood depletion
Avoid overeating Prevents inflammation and blood wastage
Get enough sleep Promotes recovery and blood regeneration

🥗 14. Foods That Promote Blood Production

Certain foods can help increase blood production:
  • Iron-rich foods like spinach and red meat
  • Protein from eggs, fish, and legumes
  • Vitamin C to improve iron absorption
  • Leafy greens to boost overall nutrition

15. Conclusion: Adopting a Balanced Lifestyle for Healthy Hair

Blood deficiency is a key cause of hair loss, but it’s preventable through a balanced lifestyle. By:
  • Eating nutrient-dense meals
  • Reducing mental stress
  • Increasing physical activity
…you can help your body produce more blood, leading to thicker, healthier hair.
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