The Secret to Longevity: Intellectual Curiosity and Social Connections (feat. Henry Kissinger)

### The Secret to Longevity: Intellectual Curiosity and Social Connections (feat. Henry Kissinger)

It’s good news on a hot weekend that you don’t have to exercise.

If you dislike exercise, you can still stay healthy by keeping your mind active and being helpful to others.

Intellectual curiosity is key to health and long life. For instance, Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State, shows this well. He always sought new knowledge and explored various topics throughout his life.

Kissinger liked irregular, high-fat, high-calorie meals. Yet, his secret to long life was his never-ending curiosity and mental activity. His son, David Kissinger, said his father’s constant engagement with the world kept him curious and was key to his long life.

Curiosity benefits brain health. Specifically, learning new things and solving problems form new brain connections and strengthen old ones. This boosts thinking skills and slows down aging-related decline.

Usually, a long life comes from a good diet, low stress, and enough exercise. However, Kissinger’s story shows other factors matter too. His secret included ongoing mental stimulation and activity.

Moreover, Kissinger’s long life is linked to his sense of purpose and hard work. Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said Kissinger’s hard work was a secret to his longevity.

Additionally, genes play a part. Kissinger’s parents both lived long lives. Studies show about 30% of reaching 90 is due to genes.

Furthermore, strong social ties are crucial. Regularly meeting family or friends helps you live longer. These interactions support mental health, reduce loneliness, and positively affect your life.

In conclusion, a long, healthy life comes from many factors working together. Therefore, a good diet, exercise, stress management, curiosity, learning, and strong social ties all matter.

### One Sentence Summary
If you find your own reason to live, you can live a long and healthy life.


If you’re curious about the basics of traditional Korean medicine and health, read the following article:

Learn Why Studying JangSang Medicine is Important.

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Thank you for reading.


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