6 Essential Insights into Longevity from smart Korea’s Urban Longevity Experts


6 Key Insights into Longevity from smart South Korea’s Urban Centenarians

South Korea has witnessed a remarkable increase in the number of centenarians, rising from 4,819 in 2019 to 8,469 by 2022. A groundbreaking study conducted on approximately 60 urban dwellers who have lived to see their hundredth birthday reveals intriguing insights into the factors contributing to their long life. Despite the commonality of chronic conditions among these individuals, their approach to life, encompassing illness management, lifestyle habits, and psychological well-being, appears to be the cornerstone of their longevity.



도시, 서울, 일몰, 풍경, 한강, 여의도, 저녁, 밤, 황혼, 대한민국, longevity


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## Managing Illnesses for Extended Lifespan

Contrary to the belief that good health is the sole determinant of a long life, the research shows that 71% of the centenarians have been managing three or more diseases. However, they’ve managed to extend their lifespan through effective treatment and care. A notable example is a 105-year-old woman who, even after undergoing heart artery expansion and stent installations three times past her centenarian mark, maintains robust health, attributing her longevity to the love and support of her family and a grateful disposition towards life.

## Transcendence in Old Age: A Shift in Values

The phenomenon of “old age transcendence,” a term introduced by Swedish sociologist Lars Tornstam, refers to a shift in perspective from materialistic and rational viewpoints to more cosmic and transcendent ones among the elderly. This shift, characterized by a lack of attachment to life and fearlessness towards death, was distinctly observed in South Korean centenarians. Their focus on gratitude for small joys, such as interactions with friends and family, underscores a significant transformation in values that contribute to their longevity and quality of life.

## The Importance of Simple and Regular Habits

Experts emphasize the cumulative effect of simple, regular lifestyle habits over complex medical interventions for extending lifespan. According to Seoul Asan Hospital’s geriatric medicine professor, lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and environmental conditions play a more substantial role in determining human lifespan than pharmacological advances. Observations from Gwangju’s Bichgoeul Senior Health Town support this, noting that centenarians lead uncomplicated, routine lives enriched by family bonds and love.

## The Positive Contribution of Labor to Longevity and Quality of Life

The joy derived from work and maintaining an active lifestyle post-retirement has been highlighted as a significant factor in promoting health and longevity. The notion that keeping oneself useful and needed can prevent our cells from losing vitality suggests that a life of consumption alone is less beneficial than one of contribution.

In conclusion, South Korea’s urban centenarians offer invaluable lessons on living a long, fulfilling life. It’s not just about avoiding smoking or drinking but about managing health conditions, embracing a simple lifestyle, maintaining a positive outlook, and staying active and engaged with the community. These insights serve as a beacon for anyone looking to lead a healthier, happier life, emphasizing the importance of love, gratitude, and purpose at every age.


# Old Age Transcendence Theory: A Pathway to Understanding Centenarian Longevity

The concept of “Old Age Transcendence” is a pivotal theory that sheds light on the psychological transformation many individuals undergo as they enter their later years. Coined by Lars Tornstam, a Swedish sociologist, this theory suggests a fundamental shift in how the elderly perceive their existence, moving from a materialistic and rational perspective to a more cosmic and transcendental viewpoint. This shift is not merely a change in beliefs but represents a deeper, more profound reorientation of values, self-perception, and understanding of life itself.

## Key Components of Old Age Transcendence

Old Age Transcendence is characterized by several distinct components, each contributing to the overall shift in consciousness and well-being among the elderly:

  • – **Decreased Material Attachment**: There is a noticeable move away from valuing material possessions and external achievements as indicators of success or happiness. This reflects a deeper appreciation for non-material aspects of life, such as relationships and experiences.
  • – **Lessened Fear of Death**: Individuals experiencing this shift often report a significant reduction in the fear of death. This is not indicative of a desire for death but rather a peaceful acceptance of it as a natural part of life.
  • – **Increased Life Satisfaction**: Despite physical health challenges or societal pressures, those undergoing old age transcendence often express higher levels of life satisfaction, rooted in a profound sense of gratitude and joy in everyday moments.
  • – **Greater Self-Reflection**: There is an enhanced focus on introspection, leading to greater self-awareness and an understanding of one’s place in the larger scheme of things. This often involves reconciling past experiences and embracing a more holistic view of life.
  • – **Sense of Connectedness**: A feeling of unity with the universe and a deeper connection with both past and future generations become more pronounced. This transcends the individualistic focus of earlier life stages, fostering a sense of belonging to something larger than oneself.
  • ## Implications for Longevity and Well-being

The Old Age Transcendence Theory has significant implications for understanding the well-being and longevity of centenarians, particularly in urban environments like South Korea. By embracing a transcendent view of life, individuals may experience reduced stress levels and improved psychological resilience, both of which are critical factors in promoting health and longevity. Additionally, this shift in perspective may encourage healthier lifestyle choices, as individuals prioritize meaningful experiences and relationships over material gain or societal status.

Furthermore, the theory suggests that the social support and community engagement, which are often more accessible in urban settings, play a crucial role in facilitating the transcendent experience. This aligns with observations of South Korean centenarians, who despite facing chronic health conditions, maintain a positive outlook on life, characterized by gratitude, decreased fear of death, and a strong sense of connectedness.

In conclusion, the Old Age Transcendence Theory offers a compelling framework for understanding how psychological and existential shifts contribute to the longevity and quality of life of centenarians. It underscores the importance of nurturing non-materialistic values, embracing life’s impermanence, and fostering deep connections with the world around us, as keys to achieving a long, fulfilling life.

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