5 Powerful Health Benefits of Fresh Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)

Fresh Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) – A Comprehensive Guide

HerbFresh ginger
Latin nameZingiberis Rhizoma Crudus
Scientific nameZingiber officinale Roscoe
OriginThe root of Zingiber officinale Roscoe
PropertiesSpicy and slightly warm.
Channels TargetedLung (肺), Pancrea(脾), and Stomach(胃經) merdians
Efficacy발한해표(發汗解表), 온중지구(溫中止嘔), 온폐지해(溫肺止咳), 해독(解毒)
AdministrationA cold requiring sweating.
Indigestion, vomiting, coughing, etc., caused by coldness in the digestive and respiratory systems
Suitable Constitutionlesser yin person(소음인)
Unsuitable Constitutionlesser yang person(소양인)

Fresh ginger


Fresh Ginger, belonging to the Zingiberaceae family, is the fresh rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe. Used fresh for its distinctive properties, it differs in effects from its dried form, which is known as dried ginger. Native to the warm and humid tropical regions of Asia, ginger is renowned for both its culinary and medicinal applications.

Properties and Meridians

Ginger is characterized by its spicy (辛) taste and slightly warm (微溫) nature, acting on the lungs (肺), spleen (脾), and stomach meridians (胃經).


Ginger offers a range of health benefits, including:

  • To release exterior pattern/syndrome by using diaphoretics (發汗解表)
  • A therapeutic method of warming the middle energizer to stop vomiting (溫中止嘔)
  • To treat cold pattern/syndrome of the lung by using warming medicinalsand and stopping cough (溫肺止咳)
  • Detoxifying, (1) measure to lessen the virulence of pathogens; (2) a method of neutralizing the toxic property of poisons (解毒)

These benefits arise from its warm nature and its action on the lungs, spleen, and stomach meridians.


Ginger is particularly effective in treating:

  • Infectious diseases such as the common cold by boosting immunity
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort, such as vomiting and diarrhea induced by cold qi(氣) in stomach.
  • Coughs resulting from cold in the lungs and weakened energy
  • It is also indicated for use when the digestive system and lungs are cold and energy is weakened.

For a single dose, 4-12g of fresh ginger sliced or chopped can be steeped in boiling water to make a tea. Drying ginger and consuming it as a powder can increase its heat properties, making it more similar to dried ginger.

Side Effects and Safety

Ginger, being a widely used culinary spice, has low toxicity when considered as a medicinal herb. Its use in food enhances the flavor of various dishes and mitigates the toxicity of stronger medicinal substances. For instance, it is used alongside Pinellia ternata to neutralize its toxicity. Despite its wide application in various prescriptions to harmonize the effects of different herbs, consultation with a healthcare provider is advised for long-term use.

Principles and Clinical Experience

The spicy flavor of ginger has a unique property of acting on the spleen and stomach, helping to clear dampness and distinguish between the upper and lower parts of the body. This makes it invaluable for those with weak spleen and stomach qi, aiding in digestion, alleviating cold symptoms, and supporting respiratory health.

Ginger’s ability to promote sweating and regulate the body’s internal temperature makes it an essential remedy for colds and flu. Additionally, its warming effect on the lungs can alleviate coughing, especially when associated with cold conditions.

Ginger not only improves gastrointestinal and respiratory conditions but also enhances vision, treats tinnitus, and facilitates the proper elimination of waste. Its comprehensive effects on qi circulation can also benefit blood-related disorders.

While ginger is often used as an adjunct in herbal formulas (such as aiding the primary effects of other herbs in formulas like Guizhi Tang), it’s important to note that its long-term use should be approached with caution, especially in individuals with a predisposition to internal heat.

Suitable and Unsuitable Constitutions

Ginger is particularly beneficial for individuals with cold spleen and stomach conditions (mainly those of a Lesser-Yin person) and can also be advantageous for some with a Greater-Yin and Greater-Yang person. However, it may not be suitable for those with a Lesser-yang person, as it can exacerbate certain conditions.



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The content provided here is for educational purposes and should not substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. Always seek the guidance of a medical professional for medical treatments.

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