Stressful Living Invites Cancer, Excessive Greed Leads to Metabolic Disorders

Stressful Living Invites Cancer, Excessive Greed Leads to Metabolic Disorders

Cancer (malignant tumors) and cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death worldwide. Given the difficulty in treating and managing these diseases once they develop, a preventive approach is crucial. This article explores the connection between these diseases and lifestyle choices.



Understanding Cancer: The Role of Mutations


Cancer is the result of an accumulation of mutations that cause uncontrolled growth of non-functional cells.

Since cancer develops within one’s own body, it raises the question: Can cancer truly be conquered?

This leads to a deeper reflection on the concept of “conquest” when the enemy is not easily defined.


Carcinogens and Their Limited Role


The most well-known triggers of mutations are carcinogens and smoking.

However, considering that only a small percentage of smokers develop lung cancer, carcinogens alone do not determine cancer onset.

Mutations that lead to cancer typically arise when normal cells are continuously exposed to stimuli that promote proliferation (cell division).


Stress: A Hidden Catalyst for Cancer


One of the prime examples of such stimuli is stress, especially when physiological processes occur without a break during crisis situations.

Under these conditions, the body produces energy through glycolysis rather than oxidation, which can easily trigger mutations leading to cancer.

Furthermore, when one works without rest, allowing toxins to accumulate, oxidative stress increases, further promoting mutation formation.


The Impact of a Relentless Lifestyle


In summary, a lifestyle that involves relentless self-pressure without rest can lead to mutations that cause cancer.


Cardiovascular Disease: The Silent Killer

The second leading cause of death, cardiovascular disease, often begins with metabolic disorders.

These disorders stem from human greed—consuming more than one’s physical activity warrants.

This is a natural instinct, and it’s important not to be overly self-critical.


Metabolic Disorders and Their Link to Cancer

Recent studies highlight the connection between metabolic disorders (such as obesity) and cancer.

The onset of metabolic disorders is also linked to binge eating due to overwork and resting without exercise.


Conclusion: The Power of a Balanced Life

Thus, a relaxed approach to life may be the best preventive measure against both cancer and metabolic disorders.


For the original Korean text, visit here.

If you’re curious about the basics of traditional Korean medicine and health, read the following article:

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